March 21st
Send us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses -- or rather, send us your artistic visions yearning to be free!
We need artists, musicians, writers, crafters and people of unusual abilities to send us their stuff. Send us your high quality JPEGs, your links to MP3s or videos, your Word documents or websites. We want to highlight some fabulous women artists, but we also want your thoughts on ALE and its DRINKING. We want your musings on SEX and all that provokes because this issue will be out at Beltane (let's hope the snow's gone by then). BE WILD! Be interesting -- because the only sin is being BORING.
We hope to have some print copies of the journal available, too; we still can't pay for contributions, but consider your piece to be advertisement for your work and include all the necessary linkage to your sites.
We hope to have some print copies of the journal available, too; we still can't pay for contributions, but consider your piece to be advertisement for your work and include all the necessary linkage to your sites.
As always, you can send you offerings, files and questions to me, Vicky. Join the League; raise your glass.