Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ten Q: K. A. Laity

TEN Q FOR MYSELF (which seems odd) to celebrate the release of our first issue of the Journal of the Women's League of Ale Drinkers, a bargain at only 99¢! [link to your left!]

1. What name(s) do you go by?

Kate, Kathryn, formerly Kathe, sometimes Kit Marlowe :-)

2. Where can we find your fabulous work (both online and IRL)?

In your local bookstore (if they don't have my books, ask them to order them!), at my website, and Kit Marlowe's website and on Facebook and Twitter. I live in upstate New York.

3. What piece would you want to use for a "first impression"?

Ooh, that's tough. Um, whatever I write next? Just go to my bibliography and pick something at random. I do of course recommend "Fear and Loathing in Deptford" which you can find in the inaugural issue of The WLoAD Journal.

4. How did you learn your skill/craft/discipline?

Mostly by reading lots and lots of books, but I suppose the PhD in Medieval Studies helped some :-)

5. Who/what inspires you?

People who dare, who try to create something from their vision even if no one else is interested. People who are self-directed, wise, and full of joy and laughter.

6. How do you cope with the inevitable discouraging days?

I talk to my friends, go for a walk in the quiet of the woods, watch something with Peter Cook in it or a Marx Bros movie.

7. What are your goals for your work?

World Domination.

8. What wisdom from your own experience would you pass on to other WLoAD members?

Follow your vision and surround yourself with positive, uplifting people who urge you to do your best always.

9. If you received a million dollar grant, how would you make use of it?

I think we should bump that up to ten million at least. I'd move to London and walk along the Thames every day and go to lots of plays.

10. WLoADed stars need not actually drink ale: what's your fave bevvie?

Zubrowka! Bison power!